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- Three days a week seminar presented by postgraduate students and attended by all faculty members.
- Once a week journal’s club presented by faculty members and attended by all postgraduate students. In this meeting recent advances in Oncology, allied branches and related basic sciences are discussed.
- For postgraduate students, weekly clinical meetings of case presentation are held. In this event academically informative patients are discussed in detail. Clinical classes for under graduate students are held as per teaching schedule of the college.
- Theory lectures for Postgraduate & under Graduate students are regularly held as per teaching schedule of the Institute and College.
- Monthly Medical College level Clinical Academic Meetings are held. In this all faculty members and Postgraduate students participate. The Cancer Institute participates actively in these clinical meetings.
- Tumor Board meeting twice a week-participation by surgical, Radiotherapy, ENT & Pathology Department of S.P. Medical College, Bikaner.
- Regular evaluation of thesis work of PG Students is done.